Sunday, 8 January 2017

Tinginys / Non-baked Chocolate Biscuit cake

Tinginys / Non-baked Chocolate Biscuit cake

  When I was younger I always thought that this cake originally came from Lithuania, but when I moved to London I found out that that is definitely not true. Majority of people know this cake as chocolate salami, although i never had it in that shape, so for me it will always be just my moms chocolate cake.
Of course, you can make it into a salami. Even I do not always make it in a round tin as you can see here:
Tinginys, Chocolate Cake
Tinginys, Chocolate Cake

Until now, I am not sure where the recipe came from but my mom, and my grandmother have been using the same recipe for years, and today I will share it with you.
If you are afraid that it will be too sweet then do not worry, just follow the directions below and use right ingredients, it is the key to a perfect, not too sweet cake.

Tinginys, Chocolate Cake

1. Use butter flavoured biscuits. Depending on where you live, it can be quite hard to find the perfect ones but you can not give up. I buy my biscuits in one of many Lithuanian shops in London, they look like this:

 Surely you can find biscuits like this in any Russian, Romanian, Polish or Turkish shops. If not, you can use Digestive biscuits (Vanilla flavour) which you can find almost anywhere. 
2. Use sweetened condensed milk and do not put any additional sugar.
3. Butter has to be unsalted and not less than 82%.
4. Use unsweetened cacao powder.

You will need:

  • 720g butter biscuits
  • 225g unsalted butter
  • 410g  sweetened condensed milk
  • 5 tbsp cacao powder
  1. Put the cookies in as bag and crush them. Do not use food processor as their mixture must be chunky.
  2. In a large bowl melt the butter, then slowly pour condensed milk mixing constantly. 
  3. When butter and condensed milk are combined put the cacao powder and mix very well. 
  4. Take the chocolate mixture off the heat, pour crushed biscuits and mix well.
  5.  Line a loaf pan or cake pan with cling film, then pour the mixture and put it into fridge for a few hours or overnight. If you want, you can put the mixture into a plastic bag and shape it as salami
  6. Enjoy with a cup of coffee :)

  1. Tinginys, Chocolate Cake


Jums reikės:
  • 720 g sausianių tokių kaip Gaidelis arba Selga (pirkite sviesto skonio, jeigu nebus tada vanilės skonio)
  • 225 g sviesto (pirkite ne mažiau negu 82% riebumo)
  • 410 g kondensuoto pieno
  • 5 v. š. kakavos miltelių (be cukraus)
Gaminimo eiga:
  1. Sudėkite sausainius į maišelį ir sutrupinkite. Nenaudokite smulkintuvo nes trupiniai tikrai gausis smulkesni negu reikia.
  1. Puode and mažos ugnies ištirpdykite sviestą ir supilkite kondensuotą pieną, išmaišykite.
  1. Kaitindami sviesto ir kondensuoto pieno mišinį suberkite kakavą ir gerai išmaišykite, nukelkite nuo ugnies. 
  1. I kakavos mišinį suberkite sutrupintus sausainius ir gerai išmaišykite.
  1. Paimkite kokį nors kepimo formą ir išklokite ją maistine plėvele, sudėkite tinginio mišinį ir padėkite į šaldytuvą kelioms valandoms arba visai nakčiai.
  1. Skanaus :) 

Tinginys, Chocolate Cake

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Honey cake / Medaus tortas

Honey cake / Medaus tortas

Sluoksniuotas medaus tortas, Honey cake
This cake is quite old-school I have to say. When I was growing up I used to eat this cake on every celebration. It did not matter if it was a birthday party or any other celebration, Honey cake was always there. Probably that is why after I turned 12 year I stopped eating this cake and could not even look at it. The other day I remembered about it and decided to try and recreate it. I think I did well, everyone who tried the cake thought the same. Sadly, I do not have a picture of the cake itself, only a few pictures I could get of my piece.
Cakes (you will have around 5-6 23/24cm thin cakes):
  • 100g unsalted butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 2.5 tbsp. honey
  • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 150 g caster sugar
  • 420 g plain flour (divided into 320 + 100 g)
  • 600 g sour cream (around 30%)
  • 1 can of sweetened condensed milk
  • 100 ml double/heavy cream
  • 1.5 tbsp. lemon juice
  • 30g icing sugar
  • 20 g powdered gelatin

Make your cakes. In a saucepan over low heat combine butter, honey and sugar. Mix it constantly and wait for sugar to dissolve but do not let the mixture boil. When the sugar is melted take the mixture of the heat and let it tool. After it is cooled, add 2 eggs and mix well. Add soda and mix again. When you have a nice smooth batter start adding 320 g of flour and mix with a spatula. Your batter will be very runny, or at least mine was. Let it cool in the fridge for around 10-15 min. After this time take it out of the fridge and add 100 g of flour. Now you can use your hands to mix. At the end, your dough should form a ball, is it doesn't you can add a bit more flour but not too much, otherwise the cakes will be very dry. Form a ball from your dough and wrap it in cling film, leaving the dough to rest in the fridge for around 30 min. When it has cooled, take it out of the fridge and cut into 5-6 pieces of the same size. Roll them out on a sheet of baking paper, dusting with flour when needed. Rolled out cakes need to be extra thin, around 2-3 mm. It is better if you would roll out all the pieces before baking. Preheat your oven to 200C and bake the cakes for 3 min or until a bit brown. Be careful because they bake very quickly and can burn very easily.
After the cakes are baked let them cool and then take 21cm cake tin, place it over your baked cakes and cut them into nice circles.

It is time to make the cream. Pour a bit of ice-cold water over powdered gelatin (just to cover it) and set aside. In a bowl mix together sour cream and a can of sweetened condensed milk. Add lemon juice and icing sugar. Now pour the gelatin into small saucepan and place it over low heat just to dissolve it. Pour gelatin into sour cream mixture and mix it very well with a spatula. The last step is to beat the double cream until it holds soft peaks and fold it into sour cream mixture.

Now you are ready to make the cake. Take the same cake tin that you used to cut circles from your prepared cakes. Cine it with either cling film or baking paper. Place one cake at the bottom of the pan and pour some cream on top. Repeat this until you don't have any more cakes and cream (the top of your cake should be covered with cream). Lastly, take the left-over sides of the cakes and put them into a food processor to make crumbs. Place these crumbs over your top layer of the cake which has to be cream. Let the cake stay in the fridge for t least one night. The longer it stays in the fridge the better it gets. Invite some friends or family over and have it for dessert with a cup of coffee, trust me you will hear many compliments.

Medaus tortas

Sluoksniuotas medaus tortas, Honey cake

Biskvitai (gausis apie 5-6 23/24 cm lakštai):
  • 100 g sviesto
  • 2 kiaušiniai
  • 2,5 v. š. medaus
  • 1 a. š. gesintos sodos
  • 150 g cukraus
  • 420 g miltų (padalinkite į 320+100g)
  • 600 g grietinės (apie 30%)
  • 1 kondensuoto pieno skardinė
  • 100 ml grietinėlės (kuo riebesnė tuo geriau)
  • 1,5 v. š. citrinos sulčių
  • 30 g cukraus pudros
  • 20 g želatinos

Paruoškite lakštus. Sudėkite sviestą, medų ir cukrų į puodą ir kaitinkite and mažos ugnies tol, kol cukrus ištirps. Kai cukrus ištirpo, nuimkite puodą nuo ugnies ir atvėsinkite. Kai mišinys truputi atvėso įmuškite kiaušinius ir gerai sumaišykite. Įdėkite nugesintą sodą ir vėl sumaišykite. Pradėkite po truputi berti 320 g miltų ir maišykite mediniu šaukštu. Tešla bus labia skysta, dabar ją reikia padėti į šaldytuvą maždaug 10-15 min. Po to laiko išimti tešlą ir suberti likusius 100 g miltų. Dabar tešlą galima minkyti rankomis. Išminkykite ir suformuokite iš tešlos kamuoliuką, apvyniokite maistine plėvele, atidėkite į šaldytuvą 30 min.  Po 30 min išimkite tešlą ir supjaustykite į 5-6 dalis. Dėkite po vieną dalį ant kepimo popieriaus ir kočiokite iki maždaug 2-3 mm storumo. Kepkite iki 200C įkaitintoje orkaitėje 3 min arba kol lengvai paruduos. Išimkite ir atvėsinkite. Paimkite kepimo formą kuriuoje surinkinėsite tortą, prispauskite prie iškeptų biskvitų ir išpjaukite apskritimus. Palikite galutinai atvėsti. 

Laikas paruošti kremą. Suberkite želatiną į puodelį ir užpilkite šaltu vandeniu. Kol kas padėkite į šalį, želatina turi išbrinkti. Į dubenį supilkite grietinę, kondensuotą pieną, citrinų sultys ir cukraus pudrą, išmaišykite. Perpilkite želatiną į puodą ir ištirpdykite ant mažos ugnies. Supilkite ją į grietinės mišinį, gerai sumaišykite. Paimkite mažą dubeni ir jame suplakite grietinėlę. Supilkite išplaktą grietinėlę į grietinės mišinį ir gerai išmaišykite.

Dabar galite surinkti tortą. Paimkite kepimo formą su kuria prieš tai išpjovėte apskritimus iš biskvitų ir išklokite ją kepimo popieriumi arba maistine plėvele. Ant formos dugno padėkite biskvitą, užpilkite kremu ir kartokite kol nebeliks nei biskvitų nei kremo. Turėkite omenyje kad kremo sluoksnis turi būti paskutinis. Kai išpjovėte apskritimus iš biskvitų pas jus liko jų kraštai. Sudėkite juos I smulkintuvą ir susmulkinkite, apibarstykite tortą. Pastatykite tortą į šaldytuvą bent nakčiai. Kuo ilgiau stovi tuo skanesnis tampa. Pasikvieskite draugų arba giminaičių į svečius, tikrai sulauksite daug komplimentų. Skanaus :) 

Friday, 6 January 2017

Choux au craquelin/ Crunchy cream puff

Choux au craquelin/ Crunchy cream puff

Choux au craquelin, Crunchy cream puff

Choux au craquelin, Crunchy cream puff

Profiteroles have been one of my favourite deserts as long as I can remember. One day I was browsing on the Internet and I found a recipe for crunchy version of profiteroles. Obviously I tried to make them without even thinking twice and boy was I glad I did... These crunchy cream puffs are amazing. They taste like profiteroles but personally, I like the texture a lot more than traditional profiteroles. Furthermore, when baking they rise very evenly and are absolutely empty inside, giving a lot of space for the cream. If you are in love with profiteroles like me, you will not be disappointed with this recipe.

 Choux dough:

  • 120 g unsalted butter
  • 130 g water
  • 160 g whole milk
  • 1 tsp salt and sugar
  • 220 g eggs (I used 5 eggs)
  • 160 g all purpose flour


  • 110 g sugar (granulated or caster)
  • 100 g all purpose flour
  • 16 g vanilla sugar or 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 110 g softened unsalted butter
  • Food colouring

Cream :

  • 250 g whole milk
  • 60 g egg yolks (I used 3 egg yolks)
  • 200 g double/heavy cream (around 33%)
  • 100 g unsalted butter
  • 15 g potato starch (I used 1 tbsp)
  • 60 g sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract or 16 g vanilla sugar
  • 0.5 tbsp lemon zest




Prepare your craquelin. In a bowl combine butter and sugar, mix with a spatula until the mixture will be smooth, then add vanilla sugar or extract, food colouring and mix again. Add flour to the mixture and mix until well incorporated. Form a ball and wrap it in cling film. Put into the fridge for around 10-15 min.

After 10-15 min take the craquelin from the fridge and place it in between two sheets of baking paper. Roll it out to 2-3mm thickness. Cut it into 4 pieces and let it cool in the freezer for around 1 hour. After you take it out it has to be ice cold.

Choux Dough:
In a bowl over simmering water combine milk, water and butter and let it melt stirring occasionally. Later, add 1 tsp of sugar and 1 tsp of salt and bring the mixture to the boil.

 When the milk mixture will start boiling, put the flour and mix very well for around 2/3 min. Set aside to cool.
After your dough has cooled, you can start adding the eggs. As mentioned previously, I used 5 eggs but it depends on the size o the eggs. You should use around 220 g of eggs. Start by adding one egg at a time and mixing it in with a hand mixer. After all eggs are incorporated the mixture should be very smooth and a bit runny but not too much. Pour the dough into a piping bag and let it cool completely for a few more minutes.

Choux au craquelin, Crunchy cream puff
When the dough has cooled completely, start piping it onto a baking tray. Later, take your craquelin from the freezer and using for example a very small glass or something similar cut small circles and put them on top of the choux dough. Work quickly and do not touch craqueline too much because it will start melting and we do not want that.
Bake these cream puffs in preheated oven of 200 C for around 32 min. Please do not open the oven while they are baking because the dough will not rise.
After 32 minutes take your cream puffs out of the oven and let them cool.

Cream :
Pour the milk and vanilla sugar/extract into a saucepan and place it over low heat. In another bowl combine egg yolks, potato starch and sugar, beat them slightly. When the milk will start boiling, pour the yolk mixture very slowly, constantly mixing. Mix your cream until it thickens, around 3-5 min. After it has thickened, take it off the heat and let it cool slightly, latter adding the butter and mixing well to incorporate. Let it cool in the fridge.

After your cream has cooled, pour double cream into a bowl and beat until it forms soft peaks. Pour double cream into the cream that we have made before and mix it with a hand mixer.

Lastly, we have to make holes in our choux au craqueline.

Crunchy cream puff
And add as much cream as we can.


Put the lid that we have taken off before back as carefully as you can and enjoy :)
Credits for this amazing recipe go to Andy Chef (